BankUp Mobile Banking

Banking Mobile Ux

I worked and lived in Treviso for two years, a period in which I fell in love with this small town in the north-east of Italy.

I joined Veneto Banca in 2015, and spent the next two years wearing different kind of hat.

As a manager I took care of all the bank’s digital channels: ATMs, online and mobile banking.

Throughout my time at Veneto Banca, I worked with external agencies to help the company across its digital transformation phase taking care of the design and marketing aspect of banking products.

As a designer I worked on the redesign of BankUp mobile banking application. The application design was spontaneous-engineering-driven and was lacking usability and user experience. The redesign took into account of both the user needs, marketing requirements and above all banking compliance and security aspects.

Image showing the full workflow on how to split a transaction
The full workflow that explains how to split a transaction.
Image showing the screenshot of the website made to market the application
Screenshot of the website made to market the application.
Image showing a mockup of BankUp, the mobile banking application designed for Veneto Banca
BankUp, the mobile banking application designed for Veneto Banca.