UEFA Match Centre

Uefa Desktop

At deltatre I designed the user experience for sport events, broadcasters, and sport federations. This includes the planning and deployment of successful content strategies. I worked together with editorial teams, marketing, and developers to execute the project strategy in the most optimal way.

In collaboration, I designed the digital user experience for the world’s biggest sport events:

Image showing a mockup of the UEFA Match Centre
UX design and project leading of the UEFA Match Centre
Image of a early prototype made in Axure designed to study the user interactions with the custom dashboard.
Early prototype made in Axure designed to study the user interactions with the custom dashboard.
Image of a screenshot of the UEFA Champions league during Match Day 1: match live match commentary, team comparison and live scores widget.
Match Day 1 • Match live match commentary, team comparison and live scores widget.
Image of a screenshot of the UEFA Champions league during Match Day 1: match live commentary, lineups and live scores widget showing a goal notification.
Match Day 1 • Match live commentary, lineups and live scores widget showing a goal notification.
Image of a screenshot of the UEFA Champions league during Match Day 1 with the user interface localised in the Japanese language.
Match Day 1 • Japanese localisation of the whole user interface. The Match Centre was designed and developed to support 11 languages.